Orange peel grabs, and clamshell grabs operating in extreme environments
Much of the success of industrial machinery manufacturers lies in producing tools suitable for a wide range of situations and environments. Because of their functions, clamshell and orange peel grabs require exceptional adaptability and technical requirements to ensure that the material they are intended to handle will be effective and safe. Therefore, during the manufacture of grabs, their function and aspects, such as the density of the materials, and the characteristics of the environment in which they are installed, must be taken into account.
It is essential to consider this since grabs operating in icy environments need extra components different from those included in grabs and grabs located in environments with high temperatures.
High-temperature resistant clamshell grabs and orange peel grabs
When discussing environments with high or extreme temperatures, we refer to workspaces such as foundries, industrial furnaces, and advanced metallurgies. Still, we also refer to countries or areas of intense heat. In this case, clamshell grabs and orange peel grabs are manufactured with high-strength materials, such as steel alloys or coatings capable of withstanding the temperatures.
In addition to the materials used in their manufacture, it is also essential to ensure that the operations performed do not overheat the machine to provide maximum safety. As a preventive method, Stemm grabs are designed to work in hot conditions and include a safety thermostat that does not allow operation above the indicated temperature, thus avoiding risk to workers and facilities.
Resistance to icy environments
In contrast to high temperatures, some environments are frigid and where handling materials and objects can be challenging, for example, in factories or ports in countries such as Iceland or Finland or in areas such as Alaska.
In these cases, grabs have thermal insulation materials and systems, again, to ensure the safety and performance of the machine. Most commonly, electro-hydraulic systems minimize the effect of low temperatures compared to purely hydraulic systems, ensuring more stable and reliable performance.
Stemm grabs are manufactured with a built-in heater to heat the oil. The oil increases in density at low temperatures and does not allow operation with the same capacities. In addition, as in the previous case, it contains a safety thermostat that does not allow the ladle or octopus to open and close if it is not at a recommended temperature.
Stemm, engineering and manufacturing of grabs
Clamshell grabs and orange peel grabs are outstanding examples of adaptive engineering, capable of meeting the needs of each case and defying unfavorable conditions. At Stemm, we are constantly searching for technological solutions that help us offer our customers optimal options to ensure that their material handling needs are met and that their workers and facilities are safe.
Stemm grabs drive efficiency and productivity in the picking and storing of materials of all sizes. Thanks to the online estimator, you can calculate the approximate investment for your project. In addition, we advise you and help you to select the most suitable solution for your case.