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Orange Peel Grabs for Handling pig iron in Steel Mills

Handling pig iron, an intermediate product in steel production, is a crucial part of the steelmaking process in a steel mill. It results from reducing iron ore in blast furnaces and acts as a raw material for steel production in basic oxygen furnaces. However, pig iron contains impurities that must be removed before it can be used in steel production. Proper handling of pig iron in steel mills is essential to ensure efficient and safe production.

Applications of pig iron and its Derivatives in Steel Mills

Freshly extracted pig iron from steel mills contains impurities such as silicon, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, etc. Therefore, the process of removing these impurities is essential to ensure the quality of the steel that is produced. Understanding the processes and applications involving pig iron and its derivatives is crucial to determining which Orange Peel Grabs might benefit your industrial company.

  1. Gray and Ductile Iron Casting: Large quantities of molten material and scrap are handled in these foundries. Orange Peel Grabs can help manage and transport pig iron and other materials within the steel mill.
  2. Production of Cast Iron: Similar to gray and ductile iron casting, producing this type of iron, which is more malleable than in the previous case, involves handling materials in molten and solid states.
  3. Alloy Production: pig iron and its derivatives are also used in producing specific alloy steels, such as those with higher strength, tool steels, and stainless steels.
  4. Recycling Plants: Although direct use of pig iron in construction isn't as expected, scrap and other ferrous materials are often recycled and reused, making their handling common in recycling and construction plants.
  5. Warehouses and Distribution Centers for Ferrous Materials: In these locations, large quantities of pig iron, steel, and other ferrous products are regularly stored, loaded, and unloaded.
  6. Research and Development: Steel mills and research centres also use pig iron and its derivatives in tests and studies to develop new steels and alloys with specific properties.

Considering these applications, it's evident that Stemm's Orange Peel Grabs have a market with multiple applications within steel mills. Any process or facility that regularly handles large quantities of ferrous materials could benefit from incorporating this equipment.

Need for Scrap Orange Peel Grabs in pig iron Handling

Handling pig iron poses a challenge due to its weight and the high temperatures involved in smelting. Orange Peel Grabs are essential for precisely and rapidly moving large amounts of pig iron and scrap.

They reduce the risk of accidents when handling hot and heavy material and streamline the smelting and refining process by quickly transporting pig iron to treatment areas. Furthermore, such Orange Peel Grabs can offer great versatility as they can be adapted to handle different types of materials, from pig iron to scrap and impurities.

However, what type of Orange Peel Grab is most suitable for the excess of first smelting iron, cast iron, or raw iron? What should be done with pig iron ingots or billets? In this instance, we highlight three products specifically designed for this purpose by Stemm: PH-3.5 (electrohydraulic), PMC-3.5 (cable operated), and PHNA 3.5 (hydraulic).

Electrohydraulic Orange Peel Grab PH-3.5

Its efficiency and autonomy characterize Stemm's PH-3.5 electro-hydraulic Orange Peel Grab. Its advantages include:

  • Autonomy: Its independent design allows it to operate without relying on external power sources, making it especially versatile.
  • Flexibility: Its adaptability to different types of cranes makes it an integral solution for multiple work scenarios.
  • Energy Efficiency: Thanks to the combination of electrical and hydraulic systems, the PH-3.5 offers excellent energy efficiency, resulting in long-term savings.

Mechanical Grab PMC-3.5

The PMC-3.5 Mechanical Grab is the solution for those seeking robustness and simplicity. Its key advantages include:

  • Durability: Its simple yet robust design ensures a long lifespan and resistance to the most adverse conditions.
  • Economy: It represents a lower initial investment than other systems without compromising effectiveness in material handling.
  • Simple Maintenance: With no additional complexities, simplify maintenance, reducing costs and downtime.

Hydraulic Grab PHNA 3.5

The PHNA 3.5 Hydraulic Grab stands out for its power and precise control. Its most outstanding advantages are:

  • Power: Its hydraulic design ensures exceptional gripping force, and it is designed for handling heavy materials like pig iron.
  • Versatility: It can be easily adapted for different applications and material types, offering a customized solution per the requirements.
  • Precise Control: The hydraulic nature of the PHNA 3.5 allows detailed control in handling, ensuring safer and more efficient operations.

Choose the Right Orange Peel Grab According to Application and Needs

Selecting the right tool for pig iron handling is crucial in the steel industry. With different characteristics and advantages, Stemm's hydraulic Orange Peel Grabs present themselves as practical solutions to perform this task with assurance. Explore the autonomy of the PH-3.5, the robustness of the PMC-3.5, or the power of the PHNA 3.5 to find the Stemm solution that best fits your needs.

To estimate the hydraulic Orange Peel Grabs for steel mills from Stemm, visit our website and get a special online quote. It will allow you to calculate and assess the approximate price to consider Stemm's hydraulic Orange Peel Grabs as part of your project conveniently, swiftly, and effectively.